The proposed approach for GFDRR results management is premised on the development and operationalization of a central ‘Results Framework (RF)’ that strategically harmonizes and integrates all three Tracks of GFDRR operations. The RF is based on the strategic goals/objectives set out in the GFDRR Partnership Strategy (GPS) which is driven by GFDRR’s longer term vision of contributing towards “increasing human security and prosperity through comprehensive national disaster risk reduction programs” and has been finalised under thorough directions of GFDRR's Consultative Group (CG) and Results Management Council (RMC). The final RF was presented and approved during 9th Meeting of the Consultative Group in October 2010.

The RF is based on the latest results-oriented management approach currently used by the World Bank and other agencies for the monitoring and evaluation of developmental operations and programs. A comprehensive Results Operationalization Action Plan (ROAP) is underway to operationalise the RF and establish Results Monitoring System. GFDRR's existing Results Based Management System (RBMS), an intranet-based system for monitoring and reporting on all GFDRR financed activities, will be further strengthened under ROAP through incorporation of Monitoring and Evaluation aspects. GFDRR's searchable portfolio of all completed and ongoing activities maintained in RBMS can be viewed online along with brief project summary and progress updates. As well, the maps below present an overview of where the GFDRR priority countries stand among 5 sectors: 1) Climate Change Adaptation and Risk Management; 2) Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance; 3) Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Mainstreaming; 4) Risk Assessments; 5) GFDRR and World Bank Contribution to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).

1. Climate Change Adaptation and Risk Management: Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Mozambique, Burkina Faso, Senegal, and Bangladesh have made significant progress towards HFA Climate Change priorities and GFDRR/World Bank has made signficant contribution towards HFA Climate Change priorities. However, other priority and earmarked countries have either not made signficant progress towards the aforementioned HFA priorities and/or has GFDRR/World Bank made significant contribution towards HFA Climate Change priorities.

2. Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance: Below you can see the countries who have made significant progress towards the HFA risk financing priority as well as whether GFDRR/World Bank has a made significant contribution towards institutionalizing risk financing mechanisms. Both Djibouti and Ethiopia have made progress and had GFDRR/World Bank contribution.

3. DRR Mainstreaming: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Panama, and Madagascar have made significant progress towards the HFA and had GFDRR/World Bank contribution towards mainstreaming priorities.

4. Risk Assessments: Risk assessments have been systematically carried out and GFDRR/World Bank has made a signficant contribution towards capacity building and institutionalizing the same. Almost all of the priority and earmarked countries 75% have made progress within the risk assessment area.

5. GFDRR and World Bank Contribution to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR): The map below depicts GFDRR's contribution to disaster risk reduction (DRR) mainstreaming in PRSPs, GFDRR's significant contribution to mainstreaming DRR, and the World Bank's signficant contribution to significantly contributing to mainstreaming DRR. As you can see below, only Bangladesh has worked in mainstreaming DRR through all 3 approaches. 

Please click here for background information on the HFA Priorities 
** Please click here for background info on PRSPs


Merits of GFDRR Results Framework:

  • Meets RMC and CG demand for greater results orientation and monitoring by GFDRR.
  • Reflects current international trends in M&E - focus on key results and intermediate outcomes.
  • Strategic harmonizes and integrates of all three Tracks into a central Results Framework – towards the achievement of GPS objectives.
  • Ensures greater attribution of GFDRR impact – by measuring performance against results that fall within the designed means of GFDRR and its operations.
  • Clearly identifies and differentiates between priority countries, overall partner countries, post disaster countries, and regional and international institutions.
  • Introduces qualitative and independent/semi-independent assessment of results that will add to credibility and transparency of results presented.