As part of the recovery process in Tonga following Tropical Cyclone Gita in February 2018, this Disaster Recovery Framework (DRF) will help guide and coordinate decisions on rebuilding the nation through 2021. It will inform more detailed recovery programs, plans, and projects that will be developed and implemented by the responsible government ministries in consultation with key stakeholders and the wider community. In particular, the framework:

  • Defines what “recovery” means for Tonga
  • Sets out a shared vision of recovery
  • Establishes principles to guide how the government and other agencies will work together toward recovery
  • Describes in broad terms the phases of recovery
  • Identifies work programs and indicates which organizations will lead specific programs
  • Identifies priorities for recovery efforts
  • Identifies governance structures to oversee and coordinate the work programs and link them to wider initiatives
  • Clarifies institutional roles and responsibilities
  • Outlines a funding gap analysis and how funds will be mobilized
  • Commits to measuring and reporting on progress toward recovery