The global weather enterprise creates high value weather and climate information that produce a wide range of social and economic benefits, including the protection of citizens and infrastructure from natural hazards. The creation of value derives from the global cooperation of many actors in the public, private, and academic sectors. The incentive to develop and improve national meteorological ecosystems revolve around the social, socioeconomic, and economic benefits of the weather enterprise. While meteorological infrastructure investment is critical, it is also as important to address issues such as design of market structures conducive for value creation, enhancing legislative and regulatory frameworks, and accounting for value creation in the public, private, and academic sectors. This technical note examines the ways in which the structure and operation of the weather market can maximize the creation of value. Significant economic advantages result from establishing clarity in, and a greater recognition of, the value each producer creates. This would incentivize fair competition, pervasive cooperation, and greater exploitation of coproduction.