GFDRR Overview

GFDRR helps high-risk, low-income countries better understand and reduce their vulnerabilities to natural hazards, and adapt to climate change.






Pillar 1 Risk Identification

Recognizing, assessing, and understanding risks from natural hazards and climate change are the first steps toward reducing their adverse effects.






 Pillar 2 Risk Reduction

GFDRR works with governments, civil society, and the private sector to create and improve the policies and legislation needed for better land use planning, and to drive investment aimed at reducing risk.






 Pillar 3 Preparedness

Preparedness is therefore essential to save lives and protect livelihoods. GFDRR collaborates with partners and governments to improve forecasting and early warning systems.






Pillar 4 Financial Protection

Through funding and expertise, GFDRR supports countries to develop and implement tailored financial protection strategies that increase the ability of national and subnational governments, homeowners, businesses, agricultural producers, and low income populations to respond quickly to disasters..






Pillar 5 Resilient Recovery

Since 2007, GFDRR has worked to improve the quality and timeliness of recovery and reconstruction in 50 disaster-affected countries, equipping governments and disaster risk management practitioners with the necessary skills and resources to conduct their own post-disaster assessments and resilient reconstruction planning, and supporting the implementation of large reconstruction programs.






Thematic Areas

GFDRR’s mission is to mainstream disaster risk management into development policy. As part of this goal, the Facility works with partners to support select thematic areas that cut across GFDRR’s work, including capacity development, climate change adaptation, civil society engagement, community resilience, and gender.