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International Water Management Institute

Location: Sri Lanka

Project: “Open source mobile weather stations: reducing flood damages and increasing preparedness of communities.” 

Anticipated Impact: Based on a request by the Sri Lankan government to monitor reservoirs, this project will pilot low-cost mobile weather stations in the country.


University of Reading

Location: West African Region

Project: “Embracing local information and local users in the global flood awareness system through co-producing a learning framework.”

Anticipated Impact: In partnership with AGRHYMET, this project will develop a learning framework on how global probabilistic flood forecasts are used at local scale. The pilot study will be launched in West Africa.


Location: Indonesia

Project: “Using VISUS for earthquake school safety in Indonesia.”

Anticipated Impact: This project will develop a safe school mobile application using the existing tool, VISUS (Visual Inspection for defining the Safety Upgrading Strategies).