Caribbean: Management of Slope Stability in Communities Caribbean Community of Practitioners


Context and Objectives
The Management of Slope Stability in Communities (MoSSaiC) Caribbean Community of Practitioners project, launched in February 2014 and implemented by the World Bank, supported the development of course materials, including a web-based learning and knowledge exchange platform and software for calculating and modelling landslide risk.

The project aimed at improving resilience to urban landslides in select Caribbean states through delivery of training on the Management of Slope Stability in Communities (MoSSaiC) methodology to Caribbean government officials, senior engineers and local government staff from Saint Lucia, Jamaica, Belize, Dominica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Grenada, with the support from the Saint Lucia MoSSaiC Management team (Ministry of Physical Planning). 

Main Activities and results

The project provided technical assistance through a training course on the MoSSaiC methodology for landslide risk reduction in communities. Project components were as follows:

  • A ‘Walk-through’ of the MoSSaiC blueprint book handbook “Community-based landslide risk reduction: managing disasters in small steps.” A subsequent in-country follow-up ensures that trained participants are knowledgeable on how to use the MoSSaiC community selection processes in identifying communities for intervention.
  • Delivering country specific adaptation to the MoSSaiC blueprint, and project impact assessment methodologies.
  • Enhancement and standardization of existing resources for community-level interventions.  

The following results were achieved:

  • The MoSSaiC Community of Practitioners’ online learning platform was developed.
  • The Combined Hydrology and Slope Stability Model (CHASM) software, a key learning tool in MoSSaiC course training, was completed in May 2016 and is now available through the CHASM website.
  • The first residential training course took place July 11 to 14, 2016, in St Lucia, with participants from Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The workshop covered all aspects of the preparation and delivery of a MoSSaiC program in a Caribbean low income community.
Partnerships and Coordination
The training program sought to actively maintain, and further strengthen, coordination with CEDEMA and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). Importantly, the project secured commitment to collaborate and jointly implement specific activities with other disaster risk management agencies active in the region.

The IFRC and its Caribbean Disaster Risk Management Resource Center (CADRIM) in Barbados committed technical staff to advise on aspects related to building safety from landslides, settlement planning and on-site mitigation measures. The project sought collaborative opportunities with regional EU staff as much as possible. 

Useful Links

The combined Hydrology and Slope Stability Model website is accessible here.

  • Caribbean
Priority area
  • Mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction (DRR)
Window of Action
  • Window 1
Amount approved
  • $366,966
  • $50,000
  • 02/2014 - 02/2017