Result Area 2 Activity Report 2018-2019

This report summarizes the activities and achievements under Result Area 2 of the “Building Disaster Resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa” for 2018-2019. Result Area 2 works with African Regional Economic Communities (RECs) to ensure that member states receive support from their respective RECs in terms of disaster risk reduction, planning and policy advisory capacities.

During the 2018-2019 period, the RECs have continued to provide key technical assistance to their member states through trainings for national and regional stakeholders in disaster risk management. Gender mainstreaming saw significant advances this year as three RECs have started developing their regional gender strategies and plans to build a society-wide resilience to natural hazards. This year also saw increased cooperation between civil society organizations and the RECs to improve coordination to disaster risk management and disaster risk reduction at regional, national, and local levels. 

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