Launch of the "ACP-EU DRR Regional Knowledge Exchange" Platform

The "ACP-EU DRR Regional Knowledge Exchange" platform was launched with the main objective to perpetuate the fruitful exchanges that the ACP regional organizations used to have under the 9th European Development Fund Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Program and keep sharing knowledge among the six ACP sub-regions. The platform is meant as an exclusive group tailored for DRR regional focal points in African Regional Economic Communities, and the Regional Organisations in the Caribbean and Pacific, namely ECCAS, ECOWAS, IGAD, SADC, SPC and CDEMA[1].

This private group resides on the Capacity4DEV (Capacity for Development) website, an initiative of the European Commission which provides an open platform for DRR (click here), as well as many other broad development issues supported by the European Union . It will facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experience across the DRR regional communities by allowing members to easily post and exchange documents, technical guidelines, studies, forthcoming events and opinions with the members of the group. It will also provide a space for open, free and lively discussions among stakeholders.

The ACP-EU DRR Regional Knowledge Exchange platform will serve as:

·         A disaster catalogue of documents on DRM knowledge and experiences

·         An updated calendar on forthcoming events 

·         An informal tool for knowledge-sharing and discussion.

The link to the platform can be found here.